Meeting with District Manger David Brown on July 5, 2006.

    A group of us met with David Brown, Director of SYMVCD, in the Blanchard Room of the Library at 8:00 PM on Wednesday, July 5, 2006.

    Don Mooney first outlined the history of our attempts to become more actively involved in the prevention of the transmission of WNV to humans.  For some background see the meeting announcement in Events.  David Brown then gave a PowerPoint presentation of different considerations about mosquitoes and their habitat.  He also brought samples of mosquitoes in three different stages of development: 1) eggs, 2) larvae, and 3) pupae.  

    The discussion concentrated on Culex mosquitoes, since those are the ones that carry WNV.  Culex develop from eggs to adult in 7 to 10 days, depending partially on the weather, so it is important to drain standing water within a few days and to be sure that the container or collection area is not refilled.  It is also important to find and treat the mosquitoes at the larval stage, since they are no longer feeding at the pupal stage.  At that stage stronger measures must be used, such as oil films on top of the water to suffocate them.  Dave believes that the biggest problems we have with mosquitoes in urban areas are back yards (pools, buckets, etc.).  Because of this, he noted that there is quite a bit of educational material on the District's website, which we should call to people's attention when we can.

    The meeting was a productive one, and the main outcome was that we agreed to focus on some of the bigger problem areas in Davis.  Dave agreed to provide us with maps and descriptions of these areas.  The two main areas they have identified are the Arroyo Park area and the Chestnut Park/cemetery area.  They also would like volunteers to distribute door hangers in several areas: the Wildhorse Golf area, the Alhambra/Mace Ranch Park area, and the East Side/El Cemonte/El Macero areas. 

    Look here for information on how to report standing water or problems after spraying, should it occur.